The Red List of Ecosystems
RLE Database

RLE Database
Visit Assessment Database
+How to explore the RLE Database?
You can explore published ecosystem risk assessments by either:
- using keywords or
- selecting relevant filters available through the advanced search option.
The search will result in a visual summary of the assessments that comply with the criteria.
For more detailed information, you can access each of the descriptive profiles.
The central goal of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Categories and Criteria is to support conservation in resource use and management decisions by identifying ecosystems most at risk of biodiversity loss. However, the results of RLE assessments are only useful if they are available to all key actors involved with decision-making and conservation actions (large and small), such as policy-makers, researchers, local stakeholders and the general public.
At this time, thousands of ecosystems have been assessed around the world at different geographic scales using the Red List of Ecosystems approach, resulting in a rich compendium of information. Some of these assessments have targeted particular ecosystems (what we call Strategic assessments), while many others consist of “systematic assessments”, that is, assessments that look at many ecosystems at the same time based on thematic goals or administrative boundaries (such as national limits).
The RLE Database allows us not only to summarize the information from strategic assessments, but also from systematic assessments, including those conducted at the national level. The RLE Database also allows anyone to explore Red-Listed ecosystems, find out where they are, what makes them unique, and why they are threatened.
We hope that by making this information available, we can support the development of appropriate conservation and management policies and tools.