
Acronym | Definition |
ACO | Area of occupancy |
ARD | Absolute Rate of Decline |
CEM | IUCN Commission of Ecosystem Management |
CO | Collapsed |
CR | Critically Endangered |
DD | Data Deficient |
EN | Endangered |
EOO | Extent of occurrence |
GEMP | IUCN Global Ecosystem Management Program |
GSP | IUCN Global Species Program |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature |
LC | Least Concern |
NE | Not Evaluated |
NT | Near Threatened |
PRD | Proportional Rate of Decline |
RLE | IUCN Red List of Ecosystems |
RLTS | IUCN Red List of Threatened Species |
SSC | IUCN Species Survival Commission |
VU | Vulnerable |